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Welcome to the YourVoyce Account Enrollment

Don't forget to download our App for your mobile devices!


Apple iOS app can be found here:

YourVoyce on the Apple iOS App Store


Our Android App can be found here:

YourVoyce on Google Play Store

* We do not allow signing up for an account in the mobile apps. You must use the setup procedure provided here to initially establish your account, before logging in with the mobile apps.

Welcome to YourVoyce!

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Account Setup

Selected Package Standard
First Name*
Last Name *
Email *
Who Invited You? *

Your Profile Name is a unique name for your account. You will login using your email address, but your Profile Name will be used to identify you as a unique member of the YourVoyce Platform. This name should not contain any special characters or spaces and it should be at least 5 characters in length. As an example, you can use your first intial and last name, such as: JDoe2 or JohnDoe

Profile Name * @

Your Display Name is the name you will be known by when posting inside of the YourVoyce Platform. It's the name others will see when viewing your posts. Feel free to change it to whatever you like. Multiple words and spaces are allowed, exept there should not be spaces at the beginning or end of the name. It should also be at least 5 charachters in length. Example: John Doe or Hello Dolly

Display Name *

The "About Me" field will be shown on your Account Profile Page. Tell other Members a little about yourself so they know who you are. You can always update this at a later date.

About Me:  

Your password must consist of the following; At least 6 characters in length, at least one upper case character, at least one number, and at least one special character (such as *, !, $).

Password *

Password must contain the following:

At least one lowercase letter

At least one capital (uppercase) letter

At least one number

At least one special character

A minimum of 6 characters

Your confirm password should be the same as your password you entered above.

Confirm Password *

I have read and agree to the websites Terms of Use.

I have read and agree to the websites Privacy Policy.